The history of Tapas

By ViVi Real Estate | 9 de June de 2021 |

Did you know that Tapas originated in Andalusia? Tapas were traditionally offered over a glass of wine. In fact, the word “tapa” means “lid. For example, your glass was covered from insects with a tapa. Literally a piece of food over the glass. What exactly is the history behind this? You can read about that in today’s blog!

History Its origins can be traced back to the 1500s with Emperor Charles V as the protagonist. He set off with his horsemen to the South of Spain. Along the way, the riders often stopped at an inn to have a drink. It was soon found that quite a few riders were sitting on their horses downright drunk, and so Emperor Charles ordered that all inns in Spain must offer food along with the drink. Thus, the riders were prevented from getting drunk by drinking only wine or alcohol and not taking any food. Hence the custom (mainly in Spain) of serving small bites, tapas, with the drink.

Tapas are still part of the Spanish tradition today. The chosen tapas are placed on the table and aims to encourage sharing and conversation. This allows for more personal contact as each person eats their personal meal. The oldest tapas that last the longest as Tapas are:

– Ham

– Cheese

– Pieces of bread

– Olives

It is culture in Spain to dine quite late, often as late as 9:00 pm. It is therefore traditional to have a drink and a tapa beforehand. In order to whet the appetite.

All in all, eating tapas is an ancient tradition that has lasted for decades.

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